Gary Lucas  
"Immediately upon opening "Touched by Grace: My Time with Jeff Buckley" and beginning my journey of reading this beautiful book, I knew I was going to have a difficult time tearing myself away from it. As a fifteen year veteran high school English instructor, I know an exceptional book when I read it. This book is remarkable for all the right reasons. As a writer, Gary Lucas seductively invites the reader into his world with his passionate, intelligent, and witty writing style. The actual tale he has to tell keeps the reader engaged until the bittersweet conclusion. Given the tragic early demise of Jeff Buckley and the brilliant yet precarious collaboration between Lucas and Buckley, the book doesn't end with the quintessential "happily ever after" ending. Yet somehow, Lucas ultimately seems to overcome personal and professional obstacles and adversity to eventually embrace his own version of happily ever after – in the form of fulfilling his dream of becoming an internationally renowned guitarist. For anyone who ever wanted to gain insight about the music business or simply just to have an intimate voyeuristic glimpse into a guitar legend’s thoughts, feelings, and interactions with Jeff Buckley, this book is a must read."

—Maya Kassab, US high school English teacher on the new English language edition of "Touched By Grace" from Jawbone Press, 10/17/13