Wednesday, Dec. 7th & Thursday, Dec. 8th
Amsterdam Musik Conservatorum - Gary is giving 2 days of Masterclasses and Songwriting Workshops
Saturday, Dec. 10th
Club Blues Bahnhof, Prague - Gary is performing solo acoustic and then jamming with the cream of the Czech underground; invited guests include Richard Mader, Robert Vasicek, Vratislav Brabenec, David Nemec, Eva Turnova and Pavel Zaijek
Sunday, Dec. 11th
5:00pm EST
"Co Live!", Dutch Radio NPO - Gary is interviewed and performs live solo acoustic as a guest on Co De Kloet's long-running radio program, listen live here
Friday, Nov. 4th
Peace Hotel, Shanghai, China - private event - Gary performs songs from his "Edge of Heaven" 30's Chinese pop project with his longtime vocalist Sally Kwok at the 30th Wedding Anniversary of Sally Kwok and Andrew Bull
Thursday, Nov. 10th
Coolidge Corner Theatre, Brookline, MA - Gary Lucas' tribute to Max Fleischer at the Boston Jewish Film Festival, with his acoustic FLEISCHEREI duo with vocalist Tamar Korn and 35mm prints of classic 30's Popeye and Betty Boop cartoons
Sunday, Nov. 13th
Arlene's Grocery, New York City - Gary will play solo and with special guests at the annual Jeff Buckley Tribute
Sunday, Nov. 18th
Biblioteca Benjamin Franklin, Mexico City - Gary Lucas performs a solo acoustic concert and masterclass for the disadvantaged youth of Mexico City by invitation of the US Embassy as part of their Music Outreach Program, his third appearance there, see the poster here
Saturday, Nov. 26th
7:00pm & 11:00pm
Apollo Theater, New York City - Gary is joining Fishbone as their special guest at the Hendrix in Harlem event, which also features his friend and collaborator Nona Hendryx and the great Ernie Isley plus more!!
Saturday, Oct. 1st
two sets: 9:30pm and 10:30pm
Jewish Museum of Wien, Vienna, Austria - solo acoustic as part of the "Stars Of David" Jewish music exhibition
Sunday, Oct. 2nd
Porgy and Bess Jazz Club, Vienna, Austria - Gary Lucas' FLEISCHEREI duo featuring Viennese singer Tini Kainrath along with choice animation gems from the Fleischer catalog
Thursday, Oct. 6th
"InternetFestival 2016—Form and Future", Lumiere Pisa, Pisa, Italy - Gary performs solo
Sunday, Oct. 16th
brunch (10:00am doors, 11:00am show)
City Winery, New York City - Gary Lucas' FLEISCHEREI duo with Tamar Korn at the Klezmer Brunch, with screenings of Fleischer cartoons
Wednesday, Oct. 19th
McKittrick Hotel, New York City - Gary Lucas performs a solo acoustic concert at the Manderley at the McKittrick Hotel after a performance of "Sleep No More", see the poster here
Sunday, Sep. 11th
8:00pm Dutch time (2:00pm Eastern time)
National Dutch Radio NPO - Gary is interviewed by Dutch Zappa-Beefheart go-to guy/radio legend Co De Kloet about his new FLEISCHEREI project—Music from Max Fleischer's Betty Boop and Popeye Cartoons—on the show "Co Live", listen here
Friday, Sep. 9th at 4:00pm EDT and 11:00pm EDT and
Monday Sept. 12th at 7:30am EDT
RTVI - Gary is being interviewed and performs solo acoustic on the "Friday Night With Oleg Frish" program—from the show's press release: "Gary Lucas is the iconic guitarist, songwriter, soundtrack composer, and a recording artist with more than 30 solo albums. He has been described as 'the greatest living electric guitar player'. Do not miss this Friday Night With Oleg Frish and Gary Lucas!"
Friday, Sep. 30th
Fono Budapest, Hungary - Pearly Clouds performs
Saturday, Aug. 20th
Club Bonafide, 212 East 52nd St., New York City - Gary sits in with talented singer/violinist Ada Pasternak, view their clip here
JULY 2016
Friday and Saturday, Jul. 1st and 2nd
House of Independents, Asbury Park, New Jersey - Gary is featured in "TOUCHED BY GRACE"—a gala live tribute to Jeff Buckley and the "Grace" album featuring vocalist Remember Jones (Anthony D'Amato), through the auspices of the Axelrod Performing Arts Center, see the poster here
Saturday, Jul. 2nd
Russo Asbury Park, Asbury Park, NJ - Gary gives a free workshop for guitarists of all ages, more information and register here, and see the poster here
Friday, Jul. 8th
Pioneer Works, Red Hook, Brooklyn - Gary is performing his live solo score accompanying Chinese silent film classic THE GODDESS (1934, d. Wu Yonggang) starring the incandescent Ruan Lingyu and as a special bonus, the amazing Chinese vocalist Feifei Yang will perform several 30's Chinese pop classics with Gary as featured on his album "The Edge of Heaven", see the poster here
Saturday, Jul. 23rd
Waterfront Museum, Red Hook, Brooklyn - Gary Lucas sits in with his friends the Brooklyn Blowhards led by saxophonist Jeff Lederer (Fleischerei)
JUNE 2016
Friday, Jun. 17th
Joe's Pub, New York City - Gary Lucas and Jann Klose, more info and tickets here, see the poster here
MAY 2016
Monday, May 2nd
The Cutting Room, New York City - Gary Lucas and Jann Klose perform songs from their new STEREOPTICON album
Saturday, May 14th
Gaia Arts Center, Havana, Cuba - Gary Lucas performs a solo concert at the Gaia Arts Center in downtown Havana—his 7th appearance performing in Cuba
APRIL 2016
Wednesday, Apr. 6th
Joe's Pub, New York City - Gary Lucas sits in with Jeff Lederer's ensemble the Brooklyn Blowhards
Sunday, Apr. 10th
Heritage Radio Network, Brooklyn, NY - Gary Lucas is the guest on international radio provocateur/author Mike Edison's "Arts and Seizures" program, listen live or on demand here
Wednesday, Apr. 13th
City Winery, New York City - Gary Lucas performs at the annual City Winery Seder on a bill with Peter Yarrow, David Broza and others tba
Monday, Apr. 18th
City Winery, Chicago - Gary Lucas performs at the annual City Winery Seder on a bill with Peter Yarrow, David Broza and others tba
Wednesday, Apr. 27th
Thomson Reuters Headquarters, New York City - Gary and Jann Klose perform at the annual CDO (Chief Digital Officers) Summit event
Saturday, Apr. 30th
Stephen Talkhouse, Amagansett, LI - Gary Lucas and Jann Klose perform songs from their new STEREOPTICON album, more info and tickets here
MARCH 2016
Saturday, Mar. 5th
AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center, Silver Spring, Maryland - Gary Lucas' FLEISCHEREI: Music from Max Fleischer Cartoons featuring Sarah Stiles as Betty Boop and Joe Fiedler, Jeff Lederer, Rob Garcia and Michael Bates, plus select Fleischer cartoon classics, part of the Washington DC Jewish Film Festival, more information and tickets here
Monday, Mar. 14th
Bowery Electric, New York City - Gary Lucas sits in with drummer Dee Pop, bassist Felice Rosser, and theremin player Mike Edison to celebrate Dee Pop's 60th birthday, also appearing: Dee Pop's band The Bush Tetras
Friday, Mar. 18th
Pioneer Works, Red Hook, Brooklyn - Gary is performing the US premiere of his live solo score accompanying Luis Bunuel's 1962 surrealist classic "The Exterminating Angel" (El Angel Exterminador), see the poster here
Monday, Mar. 22nd
9:00pm / CET 4:00pm EDT
Radio Television of Serbia - Gary is featured with his psychedelic world music trio Pearly Clouds (Gary, Enikő Szabó and Tóni Dezső) on on a program featuring guitar heroes of world music, including Malian "Mandinka" guitarist Delimdi Tunkara and Cuban Elijades Ochoa of the Buena Vista Social Club, see a description of the program here
Sunday, Feb. 7th
Museum of the Moving Image, Astoria, NY - Gary Lucas & Sarah Stiles FLEISCHEREI duo perform songs from Max Fleischer's Betty Boop and Popeye Cartoons along with a screening of pre-code Fleischer cartoon classics, new FLEISCHEREI album released Feb. 5th on Cuneiform Records, more information and tickets here
Saturday, Feb. 27th
noon - 3:00pm
St. Mark's Church in the Bowery, 131 East 10th St., New York City - Gary speaks and performs at a memorial service for legendary producer and cultural catalyst Giorgio Gomelsky
Sunday, Jan. 10th
5:00pm GMT
BBC Radio Merseyside - Gary's interview with longtime Liverpool journalist and Beatles expert Spencer Leigh regarding Jeff Buckley and other stuff which was recorded while he was Artist in Residence at Liverpool Philharmonic Hall last month will be broadcast on Spencer's "On the Beat" programme on BBC Radio Merseyside—listen live here, an archive link will also be up and available for 28 days after the broadcast
5:00pm EST
NPO Soul en Jazz Radio 6 - Gary's music is featured on Co De Kloet's long-running "Co Live!" program on national Dutch radio at 5pm EST, listen live here
Sunday, Jan. 15th
Subculture, New York City - Gary Lucas sits in with Jeff Lederer's Brooklyn Blowhards at the Winter JazzFest